T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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C&C4ACS... Um, Yeah!

2005-02-16� � 4:53 p.m.
I�m pleased to announce the second annual C&C4ACS fundraiser.

(Calling it C&C4ACS is complete rubbish that I pulled from my brain so I don�t have to type Crowhihs and ChicagoJo for the American Cancer Society fundraiser, so have no fear if you can�t remember my not-so-catchy attempt at PR.)

There are three ways to raise these funds through this site. Here�s the break-down:

Way #1

If you�re a long-time reader, you�ll remember last year when Crowhihs was fabulous enough to run a promotion through my site to raise funds for the American Cancer Society.

Here�s how things work:

Visit Crowhihs�s dland page, and sign her guestbook. She�ll donate $1 just for your taking a few minutes to do that.

If you�re a dland user, add her to your favorites list, and she�ll make a $2 contribution.

Way #2

For a $3 donation compliments of moi, I�d like for you to work a particular phrase into your own blog and link it to me:

like a fluttering wildebeest

Yes, it�s an utterly nonsensical phrase. However, I�ve done it up as a simile to make things interesting.

My stats tracker will let me know who linked it on their site, and I�ll sign your guestbook when I notice hits from your page to let you know that you�ve been counted.

Fluttering wildebeests fighting cancer -- Whoo!

Way #3

Of course, in addition to generating someone else�s funds for a great cause, you could also make a donation to benefit the Relay Team run by these two very awesome kids.

(Actually, it�s run by their two very awesome parents. But, hey! Kids get the cuteness points! Give money so the cute kids reach their goals!)

How friggin� easy is that? �

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Working from Home is Glorious - 2008-02-13
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I Have My Reasons - 2008-01-25
Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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