T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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No Complaints

2004-04-21� � 4:39 p.m.
Don�t you hate it when you write up most of an entry and then accidentally delete it? It reminds me just how close we are to being monkeys with typewriters. At least I have less hair and a CD burner. Eat that you monkeys.

My entry was mostly about what a great day I had yesterday. I took off of work a little early to run some errands, so I worked from home a bit that night. Working from home seriously rules, and I need to get myself a bit of the cable modem lovin� so I can partake. I fully expect to be rollin� with the ISDN/LAN/WAN/WTF folks who make up acronyms that us fools who don�t know what they mean try to use them anyway. So, yeah.

Last night was game #4 of my volleyball league, and it was quite a good game. Things seem to be coming along rather nicely, and it appears that we're officially better than monkeys knocking around a coconut in the jungle. Yay for us!

Ponder this for a moment: If we spike the coconut and take out a herd of endangered rainforest ants and no one else is there, would their cries be heard?

Um, okay.

PETA representatives will attend our double-header next week. More word on our winning schedule then.

Afterwards we went to the after-volleyball bar where I sipped my Diet Coke and hung out with these cool people I only see once per week.

After that hour was up, Benito and I were supposed to grab some take-out gnocchi, but such was not our luck since everything closes so early. We ended up grubbing at the burrito hut by my place and being entirely too silly until entirely too late in the evening.

I went to bed around 1:30 and somehow woke up at 5:30 all sparky and ready to go. I ate some cereal and relaxed for another 30 minutes before giving up and getting my day going. I did some leg stretches and exercises before hitting the shower.

And for those of you wondering, I�m wearing my new-ish perfect pants replacements today, feeling quite cute with my black turtleneck yet still all sexy because I know that I�m wearing knee-high boots under my pants. Bring it on world. I�m ready to go.

Work�s been busy all day, but I�ve kept myself entertained enough with occasional IMs, Internetting, and updating my Amazon information:

One friend is IMing with an ex and pasting snippets to me, much to my entertainment. Another is working too much to entertain me. Another is likely hung-over, as her responses are sllllooooooowwwwwww.

I�ve found a friend�s website where he sells pretty things, and I�ll be getting a special email with pictures according to what I describe. You don�t have the hook-up like I do, but you can see other pretty things on his site.

And I�ve found that it�s key to ensure your books and DVDs sales amounts are competitive, and checking once a week and placing myself as the #2 person on each has been a good strategy. As soon as the silly pie who lists a book for $2 gets his or hers sold, I�m next in line to be the lowest seller with a price that�s 25-cents cheaper than the #3 slot. Go me. Unfortunately I�ve not been as lucky with eBay. Foo on that time waste that encourages me to buy fun things... Foo-foo-foo!

I�m also making a crazy spreadsheet to keep my brains in, but that about sums up my day.

Zzzzzzzzz... �

Miss something?

Moving Day - 2008-02-15
Working from Home is Glorious - 2008-02-13
Speaking in Tongues - 2008-02-07
I Have My Reasons - 2008-01-25
Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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