T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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Ten Things I Would Normally Complain About that Actually Make Me Thankful

2003-08-01� � 10:21 a.m.
I'm in one of those moods, so here's my attempt at an overly optimistic list that will try to lift my spirits.

(1) The elevator in my building went out again.

I have legs that work and good health, making it not such a big deal when I have to run down the stairs, breakfast in hand, and a heavy laptop on my shoulder. And when the elevator breaks down at the end of the day, I know that I can make it up the stairs also -- even if I have to take a break on the 6th floor to catch my breath.

(2) I�m covered with cat fur.

I have a Hambone who enjoys morning snuggles. There�s nothing like affection from your baby (furry or not) to make you feel loved.

(3) I paid full price for these pants.

They�re the world�s most perfect pair of pants, and I had the money to buy them without worrying about it

(4) I woke up late for work.

I have a job that more than pays the bills, allows me to have fun, and will help me work towards buying a house. This doesn�t even include how much I enjoy what I do and the people I work with.

(5) I stayed up late last night.

I have good enough friends here to not notice that the time has crept into the double-digits as we talk and laugh while drinking Lemon Diet Coke and sitting on the living room couch.

(6) My clothes don�t fit quite right.

My healthier routines are making a difference. And if the scale goes the other way one day, I know that at least I�m well fed.

(7) I stepped in a glass shard yesterday and cut the bottom of my foot.

Although quite an ouchie, there�s no long-term impact. I was able to give it a soap and water wash, an alcohol dousing, a schmear of Neosporin, and a Band-aid cover because I have modern medicine on my side.

(8) My watch keeps slipping around my wrist, making it difficult to read unless I readjust it with my other hand.

It reminds me that I am fortunate enough to be educated, intelligent enough to start college at 15, lucky enough to get student loans and a boatload of scholarships, hard-working enough to finish the degree, and love and prided in enough to receive such a present from my parents.

(9) Some of my favorite people live so far away.

I�m fortunate enough to have had them in my life at one time or another, the ability to maintain contact with them, and to still feel an emotional closeness with them despite the geographical distance.

(10) My hotmail inbox is currently empty.

I�ve yet to be hit by the spam monster there [grin]

My friends are mostly all employed or have daily obligations. No one is not writing because they lack access to the technology, lack arms to type, lack things to say, or lack the desire to write a quick note. They�re busy, and I am secure enough to recognize this and know they think of me, and to make contact or initiate conversation without their prompting or a response being necessary.

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Working from Home is Glorious - 2008-02-13
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I Have My Reasons - 2008-01-25
Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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