T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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Instant Karma

2006-01-13� � 11:26 a.m.
Have you ever had your groceries rung up and the amount been completely even?

That�ll be exactly sixteen dollars, please.

When that happens, I get this feeling of instant karma. A cosmic high-five. All stars aligned. The clock flashing 11:11.

This week I�ve been thinking about little things that bring about some sort of goodness. More specifically, I�m thinking about how I need to be more aware of these moments and to fully recognize when they pass me by.

It�s like being completely parallel yet perpendicular to everyone around you. As you pass them on the street, your lives are touching in that very moment, yet you�re not touching at all.

I love that feeling of insignificance. It�s humbling to have others� lives going on all around me without any regard for me. It reminds me to quit being so stuck on whatever�s going on with me, as life goes on with or without me.

The other day someone included a quote that got me thinking:

�Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.�

Holy crap, is that ever true. I�m going to try to be more aware of that as the perpendicular crossings happen.

I sound like a college freshman taking her first psychology class where I realize that one�s perceptions shape his or her reality and that not everyone�s perceptions/reality are the same.

So I�ll end on this cheesy note to try to make up for being Miss Pensive today:

My purple might not be your purple.

Miss something?

Moving Day - 2008-02-15
Working from Home is Glorious - 2008-02-13
Speaking in Tongues - 2008-02-07
I Have My Reasons - 2008-01-25
Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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