T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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Running, Oprah, and 5-6 Clicks

2006-02-14� � 6:26 p.m.
Two days in a row? Let�s see how this goes...

Last night I was supposed to hit up a local running group�s get-together, but seeing that the thermometer was reading in the teens for much of the day and that it was going to be hard to get over there on-time for the group run, I bailed and didn�t worry about leaving work on-time.

By time I got out of the office, the mercury rose enough that I couldn�t make any excuses for not getting outside for a run. 35ish. Downtown�s large buildings block much of the howling gale. My knee feeling fine these days.

I bundled up top with a long-sleeved, sweat-wicking top, a cotton t-shirt on top of that, my zip-up fleece, ear covers, a knit hat, and some gloves. The bottoms aren�t too bundle-y in the winter: just my stretchy cotton pants and my regular socks.

I�m following a training program designed to improve my running times, and Mondays are nice-and-easy days. Having had a cold for the past few weeks and a bunch of time off since the marathon, I took it really easy with 10 minute miles. I was only supposed to run three miles, but I rounded the corner for a fourth for good measure. It really felt great.

Back in high school, I swear that I never ran more than 1.5 miles without stopping. I don�t know what it was about my body that just screamed STOP after hitting that first mile. It really doesn�t make sense, seeing that I could sprint up and down the basketball court for two-hour practices without blinking an eye. I used to joke that if you gave me a basketball I could run the marathon.

Apparently I proved myself wrong.

Today I took some initiative and signed up again for the Chicago Marathon. They have their $90 registration fee, so it�s official. I�m doing it again.

I know I said I wouldn�t, but I�m again proving myself wrong.

I�m getting more and more used to it these days, even though it involves stepping out of my well-controlled comfort zone. I�m not saying that I like it, necessarily... I�m just saying that I�m getting more and more used to it.

I know I�ve previously mentioned recognizing signs and being open to what they say. Last night Oprah spoke to me. I�ve more recently had an extreme feeling of betrayal from Benito with one particular topic that we�d been talking about lately. How could my best friend do this? On and on and on.

In the paraphrased words of Oprah: He�s not your best friend. You just thought he was. Your best friend wouldn�t ever do that. Quit thinking of him as your best friend, and there are suddenly no higher expectations for his actions. Without expectations, there�s no betrayal. The end.

I know that I�m a thinking (vs. a feeling) woman all the way, but sometimes if takes another thinking woman to open our eyes.

Thanks, Oprah.

Now prepare for me to beat your marathon time this year. I�m gonna smoke those four and a half hours.

Have a couple minutes? Please fill this out. Someone had it on her page yesterday, and the results were interesting. I�m curious to see what people think. Will I have delusions of grandeur? I think not.�

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Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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