T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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Randomness Abound

2003-08-05� � 1:58 p.m.
My favorite coworker and I were jacking around on our IM program, avoiding any work. Here�s a snippet of our craziness:

Coworker: hey, I meant to tell you, Uncle Fun's (a great store) on Belmont has all sorts of gnomes in the window. I don't know for sure whether they are on sale (was driving by) but you should go there anyway. Really wonderful place.

Coworker: Go there! Ensure you ... blah blah.

Me: ha ha

Coworker: Sorry, just getting into the mood of things ...

Me: Establish gnome pricing guidelines

Me: Receive clearance from the banking department.

Me: Negotiate gnome prices with store employees.

Me: Ensure gnome quality before making large purchases.

Me: Make purchase on Discover Card to maximize cashback award.

Coworker: Yeah, now put it into a bullet list

Yes, this is us at work...

This morning I woke up super-motivated. I think it has something to do with being in bed by 11. (Perhaps I should take note and make this my usual bedtime...) For whatever reason, I woke up easily at 6:45 and took full advantage of the morning. I did the flexibility and balance section of my yoga DVD, and then I lifted arm weights afterwards. I�m hoping to do a sort of two-a-days. Amberfalls has me all motivated, so I�m trying this whole healthy thing out.

I made myself a kick-butt smoothie and ate some sprout bread with reduced fat peanut butter on top -- Yum! I successfully covered all of the food groups with a vegan twist.

Tonight will be either some stairs running or some kickboxing along with Billy Blanks. I remember my journalism class in college where my buddies Mark and Elaine talked about how much Tae Bo kicked their asses. Those two must be wimps because Tae Bo is weak. Or is it that I�m in better shape than most of America without much effort?

Damn, I love my genes. Thank you Maa and Dad.

Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike that trend where women wear high heels with pants? Not only does it look silly, but it�s covering up awesome strappy shoes! Don�t buy expensive strappy shoes if you aren�t going to show them off!

I don�t care what the women on Sex in the City wear, I hold firmly to this position.

Speaking of SitC, I�m re-watching season 1 right now during dinnertime. Quite enjoyable.

Carrie is such a silly twit. I wish she hadn�t been such a flake with Big. She�s always imagining something up and blowing things way out of proportion. Now don�t go writing in the guestbook any current examples of how she isn�t a twit. I�ve only seen the first two seasons, and I�ll eventually rent or buy the others.

I know about Aidan. I know they get engaged. I know she breaks it off for some reason or another.

I know Miranda gets pregnant with Steve�s kid. I know they break up.

I think Charlotte eventually gets married. And then she gets divorced. And her lawyer from the divorce (or something like that) is Harry, who just asked her to marry him.

And, yes, I�ve heard -- but not seen -- about the good sex Samantha is having this season.

Have you filled out my survey yet? I�m doing some linkage to help with others� hits. When you fill out my survey, I�ll throw your name up here too.

Cabrioler suffered a chili in the eye -- reminding me that I had a similar injury last October in the bulk spices section of Central Market.

Lokicat likes men�s volleyball. Ooh-la-la!

Justmouse doesn�t know what the game MASH is.

Unluckystar listens to Chris Isaak with the lights off. (Hands off, witch! He�s also my boyfriend!)

Brettin has a dog that reminds me of my old dog Poo, a.k.a. �The Stinkiest Dog Ever�.

Misspinkkate wants a pink Mini Cooper.

Hibiscus101 wants �booty slapping funniness� as a super power.

Pilgrim-dani once took advantage of a Baron.

Mickey225 plays the Game of Life -- my favorite board game!

Brain-dump also understands the beauty of synchronized swimming and how it�s an amazing sport.

Go fill out my survey and I�ll give a snippet about you too.

Yesterday I went to Old Navy with the intention of buying more pants. I made myself a little promise saying that I wouldn�t buy them unless they were on sale. Alas, they weren�t. I walked outta there pants-free.

And by pants-free, I certainly do mean it. I was so upset at the thought of paying another 30-something dollars for a pair of pants that I stripped down to my skivvies while wailing in the middle of an aisle.

Okay. I�m partially lying. I was indeed pants-free because I was wearing a skirt, and I certainly didn�t strip down to my skivvies because we all know by now that I don�t wear any. �

Miss something?

Moving Day - 2008-02-15
Working from Home is Glorious - 2008-02-13
Speaking in Tongues - 2008-02-07
I Have My Reasons - 2008-01-25
Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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