T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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Nothing Special, New Stationary, Set-ups, and Single Life

2006-02-15� � 5:53 p.m.
Cleaning and running again. Bah humbug. And since I didn�t watch TV, there was no Oprah talking to me either.

Instead, my office is pretty well cleaned up. I�m hosting a get-together at my house this Friday night, so the place needs to be presentable. No one needs to see the squalor I currently live in.

A couple months before Benito and I split, we mostly went to one of our houses, ordered in sushi, and drank a bunch of wine. When avoiding the cold, that�s what there is to do. While snuggling, eating, and drinking, note that there�s no cleaning going on.

Soon after the breakup, I simply didn�t feel like cleaning. I ran off to Dallas for two weeks, and I returned home a busy woman. Since then, I haven�t made time to clean. Why clean when there are friends to call, books to read, Netflix movies to watch, miles to run, and clothes to shop for?

Last night I got some bookstore shopping done, buying myself a fancy new journal. I overpaid immensely, but this is a big-kid journal, and I love it. I�m just about finished with the one I started when I bought my house over a year and a half ago. It�s all Benito rants and raves (an insane number of raves with a more recent increase in rants, of course), so it really is time to start anew. I�ll finish off the last few pages and then crack into the other. I�m enjoying the sense of something all new.

Along the lines of new things, people from all over are trying to set me up. It�s a little odd. There was a situation where two guys vying for my attention were brought together, and there were ongoing passive-aggressive battles. Alas, no one won any wars, as I�m not land to be conquered.

I�ve got a most-interesting hook-up from a friend who found someone randomly who she thought was hot, and she�s passing him along. Although he�s already being referred to as my future baby-daddy, he�s merely someone new to accompany me in the thousand things I want to do these days.

Pompeii exhibit at the museum? Sure, come along!

Ice skating in Millennium Park? The more the merrier!

Riding the entire length of the red line train? I could use an extra set of eyes!

I�ve got one friend who is certain that I�ll fall for one of his friends. Apparently I�m exactly this guy�s type. (Who knows what this friend knows about my type...) So the conversation was along the lines of something like this:

Him: Let me set you up!

Me: No!

Him: You�ll like him!

Me: No!

Him: Just do lunch!

Me: No!

Him: Why not?

Me: I�m open to meeting people in social situations. If I hit it off with someone I just happen to meet, so be it. But I�m not getting set up. No way. No how. Not interested.

Him: Fine.

Me: Fine.

Him: We�re having lunch, and we�re bringing your friend Happy along. That�s a social situation.

Me: You sneaky bastard...

In other news that has something to do with boys, I�ve taken another step out of my comfort zone and applied to be a part-time editor for a huge web site. I�d be the Single Life editor, if there was ever anything more fitting! I nailed the application questions just-right, and my writing sample was tasty too. I�ll find out in about two weeks how that goes.

Under normal circumstances I would keep this quiet. If nothing else, I�d have the luxury of not having people ask me how it went if I didn�t get it. However, I�m throwing it out there. Rejection be damned!

So keep your fingers crossed for me, give a little shout-out to the universe in my behalf, and I�ll let you know if this is something that turns to fruition.

If nothing else, you�d get to read a different kind of my writing.

All right, everyone. I�m outta here for tonight. Have a good one.�

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Moving Day - 2008-02-15
Working from Home is Glorious - 2008-02-13
Speaking in Tongues - 2008-02-07
I Have My Reasons - 2008-01-25
Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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