T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f C h i c a g o J o

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5-7-5, The Weekend Review, Benito is Hot, Legalities I�ve Learned, Madonna, Anti-Clintons, etc.

2004-07-12� � 4:30 p.m.
Today, a bag of suck
Annoyed with work, needing sleep
I�d rather hotmail

Needing distractions
Too much work for a human
None are on IM

Tears come to my eyes
Outlook has more work for me
Please, please make it stop

Haikus are stupid
And poetry is not my
Forte -- Oh goodness no!

I suck at poems
But at least I knew that forte
is not said �for-tay�

Say it: fort. Sorry
if that tid-bit ruined your
day. If so, you suck.

Today = blah.

I work up late because of this weekend�s activities sufficiently running my juice all out.

The quick list of what I did:

FRIDAY -- I grabbed a burrito and some nachos to share with Bethany9, and we watched a movie with her roommate and his boyfriend. Once people started showing up to get the party started, I headed out. Zzzzz.

SATURDAY -- Paintball was cancelled because of the rain the night before, so I took advantage of the time. I read, organized some crap, and then went for a nice two-hour blade trek along the waterfront. I made it back just in time to shower, get dressed, and not be all rushing around when Benito arrived for our usual weekend get-together.

We walked to Navy Pier. We napped on my couch after too much sun exposure. We scoured Best Buy and Circuit City for a 24 or 25-inch TV for his videogame arcade project. We gave up when everything had speakers in the way. We went back to his place. We ate some sushi and noodles at a most-excellent restaurant by his house. We watched TV and tickled each other until we were sleepy. I remembered that I left a candle burning at my house. We headed back there. The candle wasn�t burning. We went to sleep. [Take a breath now, Jo.]

SUNDAY -- I slept as late as possible, as the sun wore me out. I�m pasty and slather SPF45 on if there�s a possibility that I�ll be hit by any UVB, UVA, UVW (slug-bug, *punch*). I spent the day eating junk, reading, petting Hammus, and promising to go outside and enjoy the weather. However, such did not work out that way. I did a little walking to Walgreen�s for a caffeine-free Diet Coke (I could have just crossed the street to 7-11, but I made my trip intentionally longer), and that was it.

Right on time, Ozwald showed up to head to the United Center for the Madonna Concert. More on that in a bit.

I got home late, fell asleep even later, and consequently woke up late this morning too.

So, there. We�re all caught up.

Ozwald walked by my place on Saturday at around 3:30 and scoped him a hottie. After taking glances, he recognized said hottie as the one and only (well, my one and only anyway) Benito.

Go Hot Stuff! Getting checked out by my gay friend!

Something I learned that was interesting today: Reading someone else�s email is a federal felony.

I�ve had a problem with this before. I had a shit of a boyfriend during my first year of college. He was a horrible person, extremely jealous of anything I did, and made my life miserable for way too long. (May he rot in hell.)

I recall him going through my email, reading the messages from my dad, and then questioning me about hanging out with my ex-boyfriend when I went home one weekend.

I was appalled that someone would go through my email, read private messages, and then have the audacity to question my actions based on said invasion of privacy.

As I said, he was a shit. (Again, may he rot in hell.)

So, the moral of the story is not to read anyone else�s emails. That�s not very nice, you�ll likely think you learned something because you take shit out of context, and you�re gonna get busted if you tell other people the stuff you wrote in it.

Okay, so it�s not a moral. Get over it. And don�t read anyone else�s friggin� email.

The Madonna concert.

It was oh-so-shiny. I�ve never been to a full-out production, and this was amazing with the dancing, lighting, background changes, and fire-breathing midgets.

[Okay, so there were no midgets. But it would have been entertaining nonetheless had the fires been really, really big.]

I called Benito after I got home and raved about it. We�re searching eBay for cheap seats for a show later in the week, and it�s looking like a possibility that I�ll go with him in a couple days.

For the record:

Were Bill Clinton up for election, I�d vote for Gary Coleman in a monkey suit, a monkey in a monkey suit, or a sack of bananas before I�d vote for him. Why? Because I think he�s a jerk who is disrespectful toward women.

Were Hilary Clinton up for election in my jurisdiction, I�d vote for the same nonsensical people listed above too. Why? Because I think she�s a disgrace to women by calling herself a feminist and allowing her husband to continue being a jerk toward us.

At least with Bush, I don�t have to worry about my ass being slapped. And with all the feeling-up Kerry�s been doing with Edwards, I think I�m safe there too.


Did I mention that I was tired today?

All right. Back to work. Zzzzzz... �

Miss something?

Moving Day - 2008-02-15
Working from Home is Glorious - 2008-02-13
Speaking in Tongues - 2008-02-07
I Have My Reasons - 2008-01-25
Got an Itch, Fix it, Shine it Up, Sing it Out - 2008-01-23

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